strives to give our customers the support they need. We have created this section to provide detailed product knowledge on how to troubleshoot, operate, and use your Kestrel Meter. If you have additional insight, please contact us. We are always looking for honest feedback about our products.
Here are our most popular feature articles to help you get the most out of your meter:
Patented Temperature Measurement
Kestrel meter backlight displays
Compass Calibration on Kestrel 4500
Auto Log - Kestrel 4000 / 5000 series
Protect Your Kestrel Meter with Lithium Batteries
Magnetic vs True North: Adjusting for Declination
Understanding Pressure, Altitude and Density Altitude
Kestrel Commonly Used Weather Terms & Definitions
Pesticide Spraying with Kestrel Meters
Bluetooth - How long can it last giving real time data?
Does my Kestrel have Bluetooth?
Bluetooth Real Time Display Example
Kestrel Alert Function (App / email / text)
G1 & G7 Ballistic Coefficients Differences
5700 Applied Ballistics Basic Manual
Wet Bulb vs. Wet Bulb Globe Temperature - no wick?
Heat Stress Index Reference Guide
Mining / Airflow: Another option