Your complete Handheld Fire Weather Station and WBGT Heat Safety Meter in one.
Please Note: Due to high demand, this item ships 2-3 weeks after an order is placed. All orders are filled in the order in which they are received.
You'll get all the features and benefits of the lightweight waterless 5400 Heat Stress Meter with a few added benefits for $10 more.
* Note the PIG Screen will show the FDFM at the bottom.
Advantage over the Kestrel 3000 & Kestrel 3500FW models: You won't need to calibrate this meter! NK/Kestrel stand by this and other 5000 series models to hold calibration within drift for 5 years.
Replacing a Sling Psychrometer with a Kestrel is a huge step in time saving and accuracy. Some have struggled to take this leap and we wrote this quick Kestrel vs. Sling article that may answer questions of accuracy.
RH (Relative Humidity):
To achieve stated accuracy, unit must be permitted to equilibrate to external temperature when exposed to large, rapid temperature changes and be kept out of direct sunlight.
The Kestrel 5400 Fire Weather Pro WBGT is an all in one heat safety meter and weather station. Lightweight, waterless, and easy to use, the unit offers quick set-up with the included vane mount to become a complete weather station capable of logging weather conditions and critical heat safety information. The Kestrel 5400FW also provides WBGT monitoring for training exercises, helping to prevent personnel injury or fatalities from heat exposure. With the use of LiNK wireless connectivity, the Fire Weather Pro WBGT with LiNK seamlessly sends current and logged weather conditions and heat safety alerts directly to your mobile device, keeping you and your crew informed, prepared and safe. Works with iPhone/iPad and Android/Tablets.
Note 2 alarm options set to your own parameters:
The Kestrel 5400 is revolutionary in size, cost and capability for those in need of measuring Heat Stress.
Along with having a Wet Bulb Global Temperature reading, the Kestrel 5400 displays thermal work limit (“TWL”), another recognized composite heat stress prediction tool. For both WBGT and TWL, the Kestrel 5400 provides on-screen alarms when conditions enter the caution and danger zones, providing clear and immediate guidance that heat illness prevention steps must be taken. Clothing levels can also be customized, making the Kestrel 4400 particularly useful in activities requiring heavy protective gear which worsens heat stress. The Kestrel 5400 also displays natural wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature.
The Kestrel 5400 uses a 1-inch black globe to gather information about the environment, which isn't possible with current Kestrels. As is true with the original Wet Bulb Globe Temperature apparatus, a temperature sensor is installed inside the globe that will measure the temperature inside. The temperature inside the globe is a function of the ambient air temperature, solar insolation and wind speed.
As one can imagine, a sunny day will make the globe hotter because it's painted black, and colder ambient temperatures will have a tendency to cool off the globe. Lastly, the wind will cause the globe to get closer to the ambient air temperature because it will carry heat away from the globe when the air is cooler, or increase heat transfer to the globe if the air is warmer than the globe.
The Kestrel must sit out for a period of time to allow the globe to adjust to true atmospheric conditions; we recommend a minimum of 7-10 minutes. The globe temperature is then taken into account along with other measurements, such as ambient temperature, humidity and pressure, to calculate more meaningful measurements, such as Wet Bulb Globe Temperature and Thermal Work Limit.
Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is based on an equation that uses a combination of environmental elements to calculate the reading. The calculation is a measure of the heat stress in direct sunlight, which takes into account: temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle and cloud cover (solar radiation).
Heat index takes into consideration temperature and humidity, and is calculated for shady areas.
There is a difference.
Monitoring the WBGT of the environment is quickly becoming the accepted and preferred method of measuring heat stress. Several sports organizations use WBGT to assess the potential risk of environmental stress on athletes. These organizations include the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA).
Refer to the chart below for a comparison of WBGT and heat stress index.
Thermal Work Limit (TWL) The unit will also display a measure of human heat stress known as “Thermal Work Limit” which, is measured in terms of the heat energy a person can dissipate from their surface area in Watts per square meter (w/m2). The measurement is based upon Globe Temperature, Relative Humidity, Ambient Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed, and four parameters specific to an individual and their clothing. 4 Settings with preset constants are pre-installed in meter however for more specific applications:
Iclo: Intrinsic Clothing Insulation Factor
Reference values:
VPF : Vapor Permeation Factor
Pos: Position of the body
Area: Area of a human male
TWL Reference Table:
Kestrel LiNK for Windows & Mac
Simple communication to Windows and Mac computers is provided through the optional LiNK .USB Dongle or USB Data Transfer Cable. Download your data to view, analyze, and archive. Enables firmware update of Kestrel 5 series meters.
Kestrel LiNK for iOS & Android
Models & SKUs: