Heat Stress

  1. Fuel Moisture, Simplified: Introducing Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) on the Kestrel 5500FW Fire Weather Meter

    Fuel Moisture, Simplified: Introducing Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) on the Kestrel 5500FW Fire Weather Meter Fire weather management is an ever-evolving science, and professionals on the front lines know the importance of accurate, reliable data for effective decision-making. At Kestrel, we're proud to introduce a groundbreaking enhancement to the Kestrel 5500FW Fire Weather Meter - Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) measurement. This new feature expands the ... Read more...
  2. CBS Features Kestrel 5400 in Segment on Heat Stress in Athletics

    CBS Features Kestrel 5400 in Segment on Heat Stress in Athletics The Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Tracker was recently highlighted in a CBS segment that focused on the issue of exertional heat stress in athletics. The coverage included a visit to Red Bank Regional High School, where the use of the Kestrel 5400 was showcased as a critical tool for safeguarding athletes from the risks associated with heat stress - an ... Read more...

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